Tag Archives: Believe in yourself

A few things I’ve learned in the past year

better white rabbit through key holeI haven’t written in a long time. I have been learning new lessons and progressing on my path slowly, but surely. And finally tonight, I got the long awaited writing bug again. So I thought I would just let go and let my higher self speak through me again for the first time in a long time. The main thing I have learned in this past year, is that it isn’t about perfection, it’s about progression. I am an extremely imperfect human being. I have many faults and many flaws. But I have learned that as long as I am working on things in small ways, I am making progress. I have also learned to love my flaws and my faults. My mistakes do not make me who I am. And the pain I have endured and the scars left behind are now proudly warn on my skin like armor. I have been able to remember who I am and be proud of what I have been through because my ability to overcome these things has made me who I am. I know that I can do anything I set my mind to. I know that I am worthy of love. I know that I deserve to be happy. I have learned that an issue will repeat itself over and over until I get the lesson from it. It will show up in different forms or people, but it is the same issue. I have learned what toxic people can do to your life. I have learned that you see people’s true colors when you are no longer a benefit in their lives. I have learned that some people will destroy your life if you allow them to because they are dead set on dragging everyone else around them down too. I have learned I can break away and still be just fine. I have learned that who I am with does not determine my worth, nor will it influence it. I’ve learned that people who truly love you will not disrespect or treat you badly. I’ve learned to recognize a toxic relationship when it’s happening. I have learned that God is just as much in control of my love life as he is the large problems in my life. I have learned to let go of control of these things and let God do his thing. I have learned that what is meant to be, will always find a way. And what is not will so obviously fall away. If you love something, let it go. If it comes back it’s yours, if not something else is waiting. God doesn’t give us what we want, he gives us what we need. This includes people. Some people, are in our lives for a reason and others just for a season. God will use situations to accomplish his plans for us. No matter how crazy they seem at the time. All things work together for good. He will use situations to remove people from our lives who we are unable to get rid of ourselves, and he will use situations or circumstances to put people in our lives who are and always were meant to be there. True love is not easy. Sometimes it’s the right person wrong time, or you choose the wrong person at the right time. No matter what, everything happens for a reason. God is the force behind the chessboard moving us around in seemingly insane patterns that actually make sense when we look at them. God communicates with all of us, we need only be still and listen. Trust the still small voice inside. It is never wrong and it’s God’s way of leading us where we are supposed to be. A series of synchronistic moments, scripture, people, small children, signs, God will always show you where to go if you ask and are willing to pay attention and listen. One of mine happens to be a white rabbit, ironically enough, instead of me heading down a hole, it’s a little way for me to know I am where I should be and moving along the right path. God is not subtle. He makes things obvious and will bring it up again and again until we listen. He will place us in seemingly impossible situations just so we have to learn to trust him and turn over control to him. Your passion is your purpose. Whatever it may be. It is apart of the plan for your life. Lay it down, and God will pick it up and do his wonders with it. It may take a while for it to fall into place but everything will work out the way it is supposed to. Hate cannot overcome hate. Only love can overcome hate. Pass as much love as you can in this world and encourage them to pay it forward as well. The world becomes darker by the day because of indifference and complacency. Love each other and stand up for what is right. Even if you stand alone. Hell happens when the evil in this world exceeds our belief that we can conquer it. The only way to conquer it is with love. Let our love be so strong that it reinforces the strength of the light in this world. Nothing is hopeless. The law of life is that it is always darkest before the dawn. What is down must go up and what is up will eventually go down. It’s a circle or a wheel or a roller coaster, no matter which way you see it you might as well enjoy the ride and do a little good along the way. Beware when seeking out the light, chaos has agents as well and they seek to extinguish hope and light. Never give up. Worrying never gets anyone anywhere but more stressed out. Learn to trust in the unseen forces. When you let go, things grow the way they should. Some people are assholes. That’s just how it is. No matter what you do they will not like you. Who cares? Do they pay your bills or put food on your table? Nope? Then who gives a fuck what they think? If people do not appreciate what you bring to the table, let them eat alone. People are generally selfish and self-centered, love them anyway. But don’t let them affect your day. True inner peace comes when other people or situations no longer affect your emotions. Anything is possible with inner peace. Happy people generally don’t give a fuck what anyone thinks. They’re too busy living their lives and know it only matters what God thinks. If you care about what others think you have a rude awakening coming, because those people don’t lay in your casket with you. It’s a solo ride. They aren’t there with you in court and they won’t be there when you’re judged. Do what is right for you. Other people’s paths are theirs and theirs alone it’s not your business what they have to learn and it’s none of theirs what your lessons may be. However everything is connected by light and that includes all of us. So act accordingly and recognize that your actions do impact those around you. So try to act with love and care, even when you know damn well someone could use a good punch in the head. People that are a pain in the ass are usually the ones who need the most love and kindness in this world. Family isn’t always about blood. It’s about the people in your life who want you in theirs: the ones who accept you for who you are. The ones who would do anything to see you smile, and who love you no matter what. The people who always have your back even when you’ve turned it on them. The ones who love you when you make it impossible to sometimes. Never turn your back on family, even when they do. Family is the most important thing. Appreciate what God gives you. Even if it isn’t quite what you expected or thought you wanted. He knows best. The right people will always be in your life regardless of distance, time or convenience. Spend time with the people you love, you never know when they’ll be gone for good. The people meant to be in your life, the right people, will make an effort. Anything forced, is not meant to be. You will never have to fight for a spot in someones heart if they truly love you. They will never make you feel second best, or taken for granted. Love is patient and kind. It doesn’t keep records of wrongs and it isn’t ever jealous or boastful. If it doesn’t make these standards it’s loves ugly, wannnabe cousin, INFATUATION. Infatuation parades around pretending to be love, like it’s your knight in shining armor, when really it’s just an asshole in tinfoil. An asshole can dress itself up, but it’s still an asshole. Love makes you feel good and inspires you to be better and hope for a new day. It doesn’t drag you down and disrespect you or belittle you when it’s angry. It may play fight but never means to hurt another. No love will ever come close to the unconditional love I get from God. A very select few have come close and the rest just fell short. Grace is God’s way of unconditionally loving and forgiving us. It’s unmerited favor. In other words, it’s the kind of love that isn’t deserved, but is given anyway. Like rain it washes away the dirt from our souls and makes us clean again. It’s love even when we’re being shitheads and don’t deserve it. This love will sustain you and the right love will come extremely close to it. Those people who are family, that I mentioned above? Those are the ones who mimic true love and grace. They love us when we are unlovable and forgive us even when we have been completely horrible. When things seem to be going wrong in your life, that’s when you should pay the most attention, because God is working in your life. It’s in the moments when things are insane and hopeless, that God uses to mold us into who we should be and accomplish his plan. Even the small, “Just so happens” stuff. Got a flat tire? Maybe he kept you from an accident. Fight with a significant other? Maybe he’s showing you who they are. Pay attention when everything seems to be going wrong because God is right there working in your life. Even if it seems like everything is fucked up, trust that all things work together for good. Drama is nonsense and life is too short to be so unhappy all the damn time! Don’t sweat the small shit. Let it go and let God deal with it. People and situations are powerless without your reaction. Negative attention is still attention. Don’t let some asshole ex ruin your whole day. People will always find someone or something to say about you and that is none of your business. Nothing pisses off a hater more than to know you are completely unaffected by their bullshit and that they have no hold or sway over you. Let old shit go. It rains on the just and unjust alike. Shit happens and yes it does suck, but it’s how you handle it that determines who you become. Forgive and let God handle it. Some people are mean and feel like shit about themselves and feel the need to attack others to feel less small. Do not let these people have any sway over your emotions. UNFUCK YOURSELF- Be who you were before all the stuff happened that dimmed your fucking shine! Shit happens to everyone and we all have shit to get over. You are not the only one with problems and holding onto them just causes more. Shine your light and be unafraid to love and be loved. Fuck what anyone thinks or has to say it’s your life. Be happy! Let yourself be wild and free in a way that’s healthy instead of self destructive. Move away from negative people, situations, and thoughts. They don’t serve your best interest and there is no need to break yourself to fit other people’s mold of what and who you should be. It’s okay to be a little nuts. No genius ever existed without a touch of madness. Respect other’s boundaries and always defend yours. Don’t let people push you around or manipulate you into doing things or being someone you aren’t. Love yourself. No matter how fucked up you think you are there is always someone out there more fucked up and there is no one else quite like you. The right person for you will love you no matter what and appreciate your unique flavor of fucked up. Anyone who doesn’t, isn’t worth your time. Too much of anything is never good. Try to keep your balance, unless it is a big issue and luke warm isn’t an option, (like those boundaries I was talking about.) Fear is bullshit and it keeps us from happiness. Fuck fear. It’s another form of evil in my eyes. Nobody ever got anywhere by being afraid all the time. Take a chance. If you fail, try again. Nothing is set in stone. If you have gotten yourself in a whole it is your job to get yourself the fuck out. Stop blaming God and other people for your problems. If you don’t like your life, or who you’ve become, change it. Save your fucking self. Fix your broken parts and wear the scars like armor. Hold your head high and remember you are made of stars and light. Give love freely without ANY thought of it in return. When people show you who they are it’s best to believe them. But recognize that people are capable of change and progress. Every experience we have with someone is new and fresh. Try not to tar them with the same brush or a brush meant for someone else. The beauty you see in others is a reflection of you. See in yourself what you wish others to see. Stop dressing in shadows when there is a world full of people just waiting for you to shine so they can feel comfortable shining their own light. Don’t withhold love ever. Effort is the Siamese twin of success. There is more to effort than just switching gears, and in terms of what one should give in this life, sweat holds more value than tears. YOU HAVE TO TRY. Don’t condemn or judge others. Read. There is a world full of knowledge and adventure out there and reading enhances the soul. Hold onto all that you are in your core. Find your core and nourish it with everything you are passionate about. Don’t let the world make you hard. Hold onto your light. Share it and let it be what it was meant to be in all it’s glory. You will never be perfect. But it’s about progress, not perfection. And progress, no matter how small is still progress and growth. Believe in yourself.