Tag Archives: growing up

This may turn into a rant, so if it does I apologize. But however this comes out, it needs to be said. I will do my best to control it. There’s a couple of things I’ve picked up on in other’s around me recently. When this first happened, I noticed that everyone around me seemed to be in some sort of upheaval or turmoil. And that’s not exactly different from any other day really, except that I was just chillen. Like a lighthouse in the storm, giving comfort to my friends who are going through it right now. Which was super cool because honestly, I’ve worked super hard to remove drama from my life. I always tell people too, that if you don’t want drama you have to remove yourself from situations AND people that create and perpetuate it. Now look, I’m not knocking any of my people on their struggle at the moment, because I’ve been there, and I’m sure you have too. So don’t go taking it like that because that’s not what this is. I had to make a conscious decision and effort to remove myself from these situations and certain people who no longer belonged anywhere near my life. Time will tell if some of them still do. But When other people around me are going through their storms now, I don’t get caught up in it. Which is something that was a natural reaction for me in the past. Now, instead of letting myself get pulled into another’s storm, I pull them into my peace instead. I try to be a source of comfort and strength to those people when they’re in their darkest hours. I’ve been there you know? I know how hard it is not to get caught up in the stress and worry and anxiety that comes with situations that seem hopeless. Yes, I have been down in that hole many a time and had to dig my damn self out of it, time and again. But something I’ve learned through all the bullshit this life has dumped on me, is that life is a wheel. You have to learn to take the lows in stride, and enjoy the highs when you have them. Life is about changing, nothing ever stays the same. So when the chips are down, you need only be still and ride it out because life will shoot back up again in no time. It can’t rain all the time.

Now I know all too well, that it’s easy to get stuck and let your mind run away with itself and let the fear take over. But no one ever got anywhere by being afraid all the damn time! Whatever situation you are caught in will only perpetuate itself if you keep feeding it your energy. When I feel like shit, the first thing I want to do is do something nice for someone else. This is a great exercise to remember that, generosity of spirit creates generosity of spirit. Also that life is never as bleak and hopeless as your over thinking mind has made you believe. There is always hope. You have to learn that there will be good that comes with bad. There is dark and light. Good and evil. Democrats and republicans. Up and down. Highs and lows. Until the world becomes enlightened enough to recognize that these are all parts of a same whole and that what God is, is in everything. We will never make it past the duality of this plane. God is in everything. Don’t blame God for your bullshit either. Because people are the ones who make choices. But don’t blame other people for your lot in life either! Man the fuck up and take some responsibility for your circumstances or your part in them. If you don’t like your life, the people in it, or where you’re at, then fucking change it. Nobody is going to jump in and save you! Nobody is ever going to be able to fix you! And no one is ever going to change you. You have to want the change yourself! You have to do it yourself. Yes that seems very frustrating, and it doesn’t mean nobody is there for you either. You can have a hundred people cheering you on and giving you total support, but until you give a shit enough, grow up enough, or just have had enough, you aren’t going to do shit about it until you’re ready. That’s why I get so frustrated with people who complain about how shitty their life is or drudge up shit in the past because they use it as an excuse to further perpetuate this vicious cycle they’ve become so accustomed to. Sure drama gets you attention. But certainly not the good kind. Let me let you in on a little secret. People love a show. The same people cheering on your coronation, will be cheering on your beheading! Be careful who you tell your business to because not everyone is your friend. People love to talk about something they’ve seen or something they’ve heard. And they don’t give two shits about your feelings most of the time they’ll run around and blast someone they don’t even know on a social media sight just because they think it’s cute to be hateful and ugly.

Now I’m not saying that any of my people don’t have real shit going on because when they hit me up, most of them do. Which is why I do tend to get frustrated with trivial bullshit and crybabies who think their life is so damn hard that they have to ruin everyone else’s vibe around them. So let me take a second to level with you about this. Bear with me here. Because when someone complains about needing money and I see them sitting down on their ass, I have to wonder… Is it that you think the world owes you something? Do have some sick ass sense of entitlement that you think everything should just be given to you on a silver platter? Here’s a wake up call. YOU DON’T DESERVE ANYTHING! THE WORLD DOESN’T OWE YOU A FUCKING THING! At the end of the day all you will have is yourself to rely on so you better pull your head out of your ass and figure out how to get yourself out of the hole you dug yourself into. And I have news for you. There are people with much bigger problems out there than you. And I bet they don’t go around complaining, if they do, they have a right to. But you? Are you in constant terror that you will be bombed by a drone or lose a child to some psycho terrorist cutting off heads? NOPE. Are you fighting cancer? Nope. Are you living on the street and wondering how you can survive in a world that jails people who feed the needy and homeless? Nope. Are you being physically abused by a significant other? no. Are you so damn hopeless that you feel like ending your life? NO. Do you have a family of 5 to feed and just got laid off because your entire fucking city went bankrupt? No!? Then, quit complaining about getting paid to sit on your ass and do nothing. Quit making a mountain out of a fucking mole hill to make yourself feel more important. There is always someone out there with bigger problems than you and there are so much bigger issues to worry about in this world than your trivial complaints. People all over the world are rising up to fight for basic human rights and you’re pissed off you have to sit inside with your smart phone all day and get paid to not do a fucking thing. Really!? People are rioting and fighting for the freedoms that we just wipe our ungrateful asses with and give away at the first sign of terror. I have news for you folks. When shit goes down you will search with no luck, for someone to blame all this shit on and you need only look in a mirror.

When the top 5% is controlling 90% percent of the world’s wealth and more people are starving and homeless than ever there is something wrong. When a 90 year old war veteran goes to jail over feeding the homeless and we make laws against homelessness and helping them, there is something really wrong. We make homeless and then punish them and those who help them. When we care more about the well-being of pedophiles than we do about their victims, and put them on probation, instead of in jail, there is a real problem. There are things at play to make the internet no longer free, schools are being told not to teach the civil rights movement and peaceful protest, our rights are being taken away and infringed upon little by little until there are no more left. That is a big problem. Children are being beheaded and people crucified on the other side of the world by religious psychos! Holy war is breaking out again and there are people being killed like fish in a barrel by routine bombings! So forgive me if I don’t seem sympathetic when it comes to you not having any weed. Forgive me if I don’t give a shit about your roommate issues. We have huge fucking problems on our hands people. And if you’re one of the ignorant people who think it’s none of your business because it doesn’t effect you, just check up on how that shit worked in Natzi Germany. How it started with a charismatic leader. Then book bans. Then gun confiscation. Then art and free thinkers. Music. People. I was raised by wolves I know how to think like one and I can see a plan laid out before it’s enacted. We have bigger fucking problems going on in the world. That’s all I’m trying to say. Your life is not that bad. And if it is you can change it. Make a plan and follow through. Grow up and bring about change. Give a shit about more than just your fucking self. Try to see the big picture. I know it’s hard and the world doesn’t give a shit about you right? So why should you give a fuck? Well because we’re are all connected. Your actions effect those around you and like a ripple effect those around them. So if all your perpetuating is negativity, drama and violence, then that’s what you will see manifesting itself in your life and in those around you. But the next time your tempted to react in the same old way, do me a favor. DON’T! React differently or just be still. Don’t move til God says move and watch how quickly things change in your life. You may not have the power to control others or certain situations, but you do have the power to control your response. And this will change your life. Stop giving into fear, drama, gossip, hate, anger, and depression. They only serve to drain you and do nothing but take away your gratitude for what does matter in life. Stop being ungrateful all the Goddamn time! Lighten up and spread love. Because hate isn’t the opposite of love, indifference is. But the only thing to combat all the hate taking over this planet, isn’t more hate and violence, it’s love. Love is the only thing that will heal this world. Love in all it’s forms. Compassion, Hope, Caring,Empathy, Comfort, and Kindness are all forms of love we can show each other to help combat the ever growing state of chaos in this world. Love makes order out of chaos. Evil has many agents in this world trying to offset the balance of duality. Chaos is one of these agents. But even in the darkest times we can’t lose hope. We must never give up. No matter what bad happens to us we must not give into hate and fear. Continue to love even when it hurts. Give faith a fighting chance and never let the little shit grow into something it isn’t. Instead of complaining,be grateful. Instead of worrying, trust in the unseen forces. God has not and never will abandon us. Instead of blaming, take responsibility for what you can. Instead of fighting with those you love, apologize. When you see an injustice, don’t ignore it, be a catalyst and bring about change. Relate to others instead of judging or making assumptions about them. No one on this entire fucking earth is perfect! That includes you. So drop the arrogance and the self-hatred because both of these things put you at the center of the universe. And guess what? You’re not! Instead of perpetuating drama, don’t participate! Give advice and be content that you helped as best you could. Love is the only thing that heals pain. And it is the most powerful force on earth. So use it to your advantage! Work to be the person you want to attract or be someday. Or stay stuck in the cycle you feel comfortable with because you’re too afraid of success, or failing, or pain, or whatever bullshit excuse you give yourself. The choice is yours. But at the end of the day YOU have to live with it.